Reward Example

Configuration Guide for Time Reward type

General Settings

Note that each reward type has its own properties in addition to the shared properties. You can set these properties for each of the reward types.

  1. Enable Reward Claiming

    enabled: true
    • enabled: Set to true to allow rewards to be claimable.

  2. Reward Type

    type: time_reward
    • type: Specifies the type of reward. Use time_reward for time-based rewards.

  3. Reward Tag

    tag: Time Reward
    • tag: A label for the reward, used for identification.

  4. (Optional) Reward Command

    command: timereward
    • command: The command by which the reward can be claimed, /timereward in this case.

Cooldown Settings

  1. Cooldown Duration

    cooldown: 24
    • cooldown: Number of units before the reward can be claimed again.

  2. Cooldown Unit

    unit: hours
    • unit: Unit of time for the cooldown (e.g., hours, minutes).

  3. General Cooldown Display Format

    cooldown-general-format: "%hours% hours"
    • cooldown-general-format: Format for displaying the general cooldown time.

  4. Specific Cooldown Display Format

    cooldown-format: '%hours%:%minutes%:%seconds%'
    • cooldown-format: Format for displaying the cooldown in reward GUIs.

Availability Settings

  1. Available After First Join

    available-after-first-join: false
    • available-after-first-join: Set to true to make the reward available immediately after a player's first join.

  2. Live Reminder

    live-reminder-enabled: true
    • live-reminder-enabled: Notifies players when the reward is available.

  3. (Optional) Required Inventory Slots

    required-slots: 3
    • required-slots: Number of free inventory slots required to claim the reward.

  4. (Optional) Permission Requirement

    permission: ultimaterewards.exampleTimeReward
    • permission: Permission node required for the player to claim the reward.

Item and Display Settings

  • Available Item Display

    available-item: CHEST_MINECART
    available-display-name: '&a&lTIME REWARD'
      - '&7Can be obtained every &f%cooldown%'
      - ' '
      - '&7Contains:'
      - '&e ➪ 1x Diamond'
      - '&e ➪ 3x Gold Ingot'
      - '&e ➪ 6x Iron Ingot'
      - ' '
      - '&b► Click to claim'
    • available-item: Item displayed when the reward is claimable.

    • available-display-name: Display name for the available reward item.

    • available-lore: Lore description for the available reward item.

  • Unavailable Item Display

    unavailable-item: MINECART
    unavailable-display-name: "&7&lTIME REWARD"
      - '&7Available in:'
      - '&7%cooldown%'
    • unavailable-item: Item displayed when the reward is under cooldown.

    • unavailable-display-name: Display name for the unavailable reward item.

    • unavailable-lore: Lore description for the unavailable reward item.

  • No Permission Item Display

    no-permission-item: BARRIER
    no-permission-display-name: "&c&l&mTIME REWARD"
      - "&c ✕ Locked, requires"
      - "&c   %permission% permission"
    • no-permission-item: Item displayed when the player lacks permission.

    • no-permission-display-name: Display name for the no-permission reward item.

    • no-permission-lore: Lore description for the no-permission reward item.

Reward Actions

  1. Commands Executed on Reward Claim

        - '[console] give %player% diamond 1'
        - '[console] give %player% gold_ingot 3'
        - '[console] give %player% iron_ingot 6'
        - '[console] say %player% claimed their %type% reward!'
        - '[title] &aClaimed'
        - '[subtitle] &aReward %type%'
        - '[message] &7Enjoy your claimed reward | New line!'
        - '[console] give %player% diamond 1'
        - '[console] give %player% gold_ingot 3'
        - '[console] give %player% iron_ingot 6'
        - '[console] say %player% claimed their %type% reward!'
        - '[title] &aClaimed'
        - '[subtitle] &aReward %type%'
        - '[message] &7Enjoy your claimed reward | New line!'
        - '[message] &a&lYou have been extra lucky today! Received 5 more diamonds!'
        - '[console] give %player% diamond 5'
    • actions: List of actions and commands executed when a reward is claimed.

      • 80: Set of actions with 100% execution chance.

      • 20: Actions with a 20% execution chance.

Variants (Optional)

  1. Reward Variants

        permission: ultimaterewards.timeRewardExample.premium
        available-display-name: "&6&lPREMIUM TIME REWARD"
          - '&7Can be obtained every &f%cooldown%'
          - ' '
          - '&7Contains:'
          - '&e ➪ 3x Diamonds'
          - '&e ➪ 12x Gold Ingots'
          - '&e ➪ 24x Iron Ingots'
          - ' '
          - '&6► Click to claim premium reward'
            - '[console] give %player% diamond 3'
            - '[console] give %player% iron_ingot 12'
            - '[console] give %player% gold_ingot 24'
            - '[console] say %player% claimed their %type% reward!'
            - '[title] &aClaimed'
            - '[subtitle] &aReward %type%'
            - '[firework] colors:{FF0000;00FF00;0000FF},type:BALL_LARGE,power:3'
            - '[sound] BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN,volume:0.2,pitch:1'
            - '[console] give %player% diamond 3'
            - '[console] give %player% iron_ingot 12'
            - '[console] give %player% gold_ingot 24'
            - '[console] say %player% claimed their %type% reward!'
            - '[title] &aClaimed'
            - '[subtitle] &aReward %type%'
            - '[firework] colors:{FF0000;00FF00;0000FF},type:BALL_LARGE,power:3'
            - '[sound] BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN,volume:0.2,pitch:1'
            - '[message] &6&lYou have been extra lucky today! | Received 10 more diamonds!'
            - '[console] give %player% diamond 10'
    • variants: Optional reward variants based on player permissions.

    • premium: Example variant with specific permissions and actions.

This guide provides a clear breakdown of each configuration setting, ensuring that you can set up and customize the reward plugin to your needs.

Last updated