Multiple Custom Reward

This reward is identical to the Custom Reward, except that multiple requirements (expressions) can be used.

Example configuration

# Decides if rewards will be claimable
enabled: true
# Note that MULTIPLE_CUSTOM_REWARD will work only with
# PlaceholderAPI installed
type: multiple_custom_reward
# Reward tag
tag: Multiple Custom Reward
# Expression is used to determine if player can claim this reward.
# Returns true/false depending on the condition
# In this case, player must kill 30 skeletons and 50 spiders
# in order to claim this reward
    expression: "%statistic_kill_entity:SKELETON% >= 30"
    remaining-expression: "30 - %statistic_kill_entity:SKELETON%"
    expression: "%statistic_kill_entity:SPIDER% >= 50"
    remaining-expression: "50 - %statistic_kill_entity:SPIDER%"

# (Optional) Permission which player must have to be
# able to obtain this reward.
permission: ultimaterewards.exampleMultipleCustomReward
# Notifies players that the reward is currently available
live-reminder-enabled: true
# When player has this permission,
# following properties will be shown.
# When the reward is currently claimable:
available-item: "LIME_DYE"
available-display-name: "&a&lMULTIPLE CUSTOM REWARD"
  - "&7You need to meet"
  - "&7following requirements:"
  - " "
  - " &f• Kill 30 Skeletons &a✓"
  - " &f• Kill 50 Spiders &a✓"
  - " "
  - "&b► Click to claim!"
# Whereas player doesn't have enough required kills,
# this version of reward item is displayed in inventory:
unavailable-item: "RED_DYE"
unavailable-display-name: "&c&lMULTIPLE CUSTOM REWARD"
  - "&7You need to meet"
  - "&7following requirements:"
  - " "
  - " &f• Kill 30 Skeletons &4(%amount_1% left)"
  - " &f• Kill 50 Spiders &4(%amount_2% left)"
  - " "
# When player already claimed this reward:
claimed-item: "GRAY_DYE"
claimed-display-name: "&7&lMULTIPLE CUSTOM REWARD"
  - "&7You need to meet"
  - "&7following requirements:"
  - " "
  - " &f• Kill 30 Skeletons &a✓"
  - " &f• Kill 50 Spiders &a✓"
  - " "
  - "&7✓ Already claimed"
# Player doesn't have permission for this reward,
# following properties will be shown.
no-permission-item: BARRIER
no-permission-display-name: "&c&l&mMULTIPLE CUSTOM REWARD"
  - "&c ✕ Locked, requires"
  - "&c   %permission% permission"
# Commands list that will be executed after player
# obtains this reward.
# All available actions can be found on
# Format: () - optional value | [] - required value
#   [<actionType>] (<chance>):<command>
# Examples:
#   - [console] 50:give %player% diamond 1
#       - this command will have 50%
#         execution chance due his property value
#   - [message] "&aYou have claimed your %type% reward!"
#       - this action will send player a message
#         with defined content
# You can also use the random placeholders
# from randoms.yml file and use it in command.
# Example:
#   - give %player% iron_ingot %exampleRandom%
#       - placeholder will be replaced by
#         random number from defined interval in randoms.yml
  - '[console] give %player% diamond_sword 1'
  - '[console] say %player% claimed his %type% reward!'
  - '[message] &7You have claimed multiple custom reward!'
  #  - '[actionbar] &aSuccessfully claimed!' # Action bar can be used only from 1.12 versions!
  - '[title] &aClaimed'
  - '[subtitle] &aReward %type%'

Last updated