
Listed all valid syntaxes of commands and their permissions.

While the main command (which will be used in the following text) is/reward, you can also use the registered aliase/rw (also /rws for /rewards)

Permission to access for all commands:


Commands can also be executed from the console

Managing commands

To reload all .yml files of the plugin, use the following command:

If you changed the backed type to MySQL (or other DB types) you can use this command to import current data from the files:

The plugin offers the option to create a main GUI (the name of which will be main can be set in config.yml) and individual sub-menus that may or may not be interconnected. Command to open main GUI:

Opening specific menu

You can also directly specify which GUI menu to open.

All mentioned commands have full support for tab-completion of arguments

Reward commands

Claiming reward commands

One of the basic reward commands will be for claiming a certain reward. The command may also include an argument for which player the reward should be claimed for.

The optional arguments are wrapped in round brackets

Resetting reward commands

The following command are used to reset the time cooldown of a reward.

Testing reward actions commands

The set reward can be tested by using the command

Reward settings commands

Specific settings can be toggled with the command:

Referral commands

You can also use /ref aliase

Creating referral command

To create a referral:

Activating referral command

After creating a custom referral, players can use the following command to activate their referral The referral code is always the name of the player who created it. It then adds 1 use to the player who owns the referral and rewards the player who activated the referral (rewards can be set in referrals.yml)

Resetting player being player referred to

Vote commands

Proceeding vote command

Vote can be proceeded manualy by:

Resetting number of votes

Last updated