Random Placeholders

Randomization refers to the ability to create custom placeholders (in the "randoms.yml" file) where you specify a numerical range from which a random number will be selected during command execution.

Let's consider this example configuration:

   exampleRandom: 16-64 # Will return random number between 16 - 64
   anotherRandom: 10-10000 # Will return random number between 10 - 10,000

Now we can use the specified placeholders in the actions of any reward. Here's a demonstration example:

Suppose we have a reward called "Welcome Bonus" which gives the player a certain amount of apples. We want the amount of apples to be randomized within a certain range using the exampleRandom placeholder we defined earlier.

enabled: true
type: one_time_reward
disappear: false
use-firework: true
permission: ultimaterewards.welcomeBonus
available-item: CHEST_MINECART
available-display-name: '&a&lWELCOME BONUS'
  - ' '
  - '&7Contains:'
  - '&e ➪ 16 - 64x Apple'
  - ' '
  - '&b► Click to claim'
unavailable-display-name: "&7&lWELCOME BONUS"
  - '&7Welcome bonus was already'
  - '&7claimed.'
unavailable-item: MINECART
no-permission-item: BARRIER
no-permission-display-name: "&c&l&mWELCOME BONUS"
  - "&c ✕ Locked, requires"
  - "&c   %permission% permission"
  - '[console] give %player% apple %exampleRandom%'
  - '[message] &aWelcome to the server, %player%! I hope these items will assist you in getting started.'

You can define as many custom placeholders as you need in the "randoms.yml" file, and use them in your commands to add some variability to your server gameplay.

Last updated